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Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Long Way Home

As I didn't have to work today, I treated myself to another day at the zoo. The new young female gorilla, Effie, was in the indoor enclosure, and it was impossible to tell who was watching whom. She was definitely interested in observing her observers, and occasionally reached out as if to touch or even kiss those on the other side of the glass.

Unfortunately the object of the picture below is too tiny to see - it's a pygmy marmoset, and it's in the middle of the shot, level with the toucan's head, looking like a little bump between the branches in the middle of the shot that almost shape a V. I forgot to take my camera with me and these shots were all taken with my mobile phone, which refused to zoom. If you click on the picture, though, it should get big enough for you to see the sweet little creature.

Below are the rather larger silvery marmosets, thoroughly enjoying a mutual groom in the sunshine.

The elusive two-toed sloth was slumbering in the branches of this tree. It's very well-camouflaged - look for it dead-centre of the picture.

I decided to take a different route home so that I could see the turf in Trafalgar Square, which I first heard was there for 24 hours, then someone said 48 hours. It had already gone, so I guess the first information was correct. There is no sign it was ever even there. No need to panic, Holly. I doubt very much that the concrete and paving are original to the square, and no-one's talking about tearing down any of the monuments. Personally I quite like the idea of turfing it for good, though there would have to be lots of paths across it, or in wet weather it would soon become a quagmire. The paving is very hard, hot and unforgiving. Not a very nice environment, especially as the place is one huge traffic roundabout. Much better to turn it into a park.

When I arrived back at my local station, I decided to time myself walking home (don't ask why, I have no idea). I'd bought an iced latte at the start of the journey, and was about to throw the container into the bin, when I decided to take it home and put it in the recycling bin. A few hundred yards on, I came across a woman sitting on a wall with her small son who was having a nosebleed. I asked if I could help. I have no first aid skills, but suddenly I remembered my drink carton, complete with ice. I poured it into the serviette and she put it on the bridge of the boy's nose.

A few yards further on I saw my window cleaner and we had a chat. He was telling me about the lame cheetah a nearby bird-of-prey centre has adopted and is trying to train to hunt. It cannot live a normal life because of its deformity, so this is probably the best offer it will ever have.

I was still on course to make it home in 15 minutes instead of the 10 I'd anticipated, but then I saw some neighbours leaning on their gates nattering, so I stopped and joined in. Well, you can't be anti-social, can you?

I finally arrived home about 35 minutes after I left the station. Not a record for speed. Sadly, not even a record for slowness!


JoJo said...

What a lovely little stroll though; socializing, helping out a's all good!

Glad you enjoyed your time at the zoo too. As for me, stuck at work, but at least we have Monday off.

Eliza said...

I still envy you,being able to visit the zoo as often as you do :-)

It's great,just mooching along,stopping and talking to people,whether you know them or not.Nice that you had time to do that,give3n how much of a rush everyone seems to be in these days.

On another note,it's half term here next week so I have the week off!! I feel a V festival could be in order ;-D

Anonymous said...

What a nice easy-going day.

Claire said...

My sister lived in London for 2 years and just got back. I'm sorry I didn't visit her but she had a constant stream of US visitors. She really loved it there. Her kids made good friends. But her hubby didn't like the food. Oh, boo hoo I say. He just doesn't know how lucky he was.

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