My computer woes are drawing towards their end - but not with the resolution I wished for.
After the couriers failed to collect my computer last Wednesday, but claiming they had called and got no answer, I booked a new appointment for today, from midday.
When I got to my student's house, his mother told me they'd actually called at her house on Thursday. They admitted that the day before they'd called at the house opposite! She told them the appointment had been rebooked for today.
I took her son on his regular visit to a special school for the morning, and she took her new dog for a walk early specifically to be home in time for the collection. She arrived home at least 15 minutes before time, only to find they'd already called for real and actully left a card. She phoned me at school and gave me the card number and the phone number, and I tried to call them. At the other end, there was
no recorded choice or my problem - which was that I wated them to call back while they were still in the area. No way to speak to a human being at all.Back at home, I called the tech line and...
Finally I admitted defeat and called the branch where I bought the machine. A man there took all the details and listened to the tale of woe. He went off to make some enquiries, and called me back to suggest that I return the computer and get a refund, as he could not get a guarantee from the courier firm that they could even stick to a promised am/pm appointment. As soon as I can find some time, that's what I'll do. Bu I want to find a replacement first, and get as much stuff copied over as possible.
So, any supggestions as to a reliable laptop with good storage capacity? I'll never buy another Toshiba, and I've heard bad things about Acer, but apart from Samsung and HP (not toention this Sony) I don't know anything about any makes and their qualities, so any input from you, my kind readers and friends, would be most welcome. If I thought a Macbook would do all the things I want it to I'd be tempted to go for one of those, but it just feels too alien to me.