As a faithful supporter of the World Wildlife Fund, I was privileged a couple of weeks ago to receive an invitation to their London conference yesterday at ZSL (ie. London Zoo). I sent my acceptance, but heard no more, and forgot all about it till I checked my diary on Friday night.
Whoops indeed. If I'd realised a day sooner, I wouldn't have gone to the zoo on Friday, but would have done my weekend shop then, to leave me free for Saturday.
Well, I rushed the shopping, and managed (despite engineering works on the train lines delaying me) to get to the conference less that 40 minutes late.
It was about east Africa, both land and sea conservation projects. There was also a talk from Andy Hodge, a marine biologist who also happens to be a double Olympic gold medallist in rowing.
It was a joy to be among so many like-minded people. I even managed to ask a well-received and important question about the involvement of native women in their projects (every picture they showed was of men and boys). The reply reassured me that they are fully aware of the different roles of men and women in the various communities they deal with and make sure they approach the right people in the right way.
Part of the deal was free entry into the zoo, which of course I don't need, but it allowed me to nip in by the back door and capture a few more pictures of Melati posing on top of the giant climbing frame.
Showing off her bright orange back and stunning markings:
Displaying her fluffy chin:
Treating us to her beautiful profile:
All these poses struck within a couple of minutes.
Privileged indeed. Me, not her!