Of course, to own a Mulvany and Rogers dolls house you would need to be one of the Kensington Filthy Rich. (In an estate agent's office I saw a flat going for nearly £3 million.) They cost thousands. Mind you, they are literally palaces among dolls house creations.
This is their Palace of Versailles. Of course, even allowing for differences in scale, the one outside Paris is much bigger.
They also did a version of Hampton Court Palace, but I couldn't find a good enough picture.
We talked chickens rather than dolls houses, and they recommended I try giving mine porridge during the cold weather.
I bought a 12th scale Pierre Legrain console table a bit like this (only better).
I suppose I could have taken a picture of my one, but I'm too shattered to go and get the camera!
Mine has a more delicately proportioned top, gold bands round the legs, and a gold base.
The supplier of this Art Deco gem came down all the way from Scotland for the show. His stuff has pretty well furnished my Art Deco dolls house. Not cheap, but very cheerful.
There was no snow left in Kensington (they are too posh to put up with it, it probably melts from one look) but at my end the melt that started during the night had not completed its task. Tonight it's supposed to get colder again, so we can look forward to slipping and sliding on frozen roads and pavements once more.
Meanwhile, the bins have still not been emptied (our day is Friday) but then how could they? You can't drive a Council bin lorry down a frozen back street. If only the gritters had been out. The Council should sue those responsible.
Oh wait, that would be the Council...