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Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Proud Flesh

But not enough of it.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Want Some Close-ups

It's a while since I posted anything from Want. Here comes Curly!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Help! Again

I recorded Help! off the telly last week, and when it came out this week, of course I bought it. My class wanted to watch a film for their enrichment class, so I'm showing it to them. Their verdict so far - it's great fun!

The Fab Four's talents entertain another generation.

It's true that one autistic boy didn't get it and wailed loudly, much to the annoyance of the others. But in the end even he settled down to enjoy it in his own unique way.

In more Depths

Please forgive the quality of the caps. It's very difficult to get exactly the shot you want with the HD discs, as you can't "step back" to get the best still. I'll recap with the ordinary DVD which should solve the problem. (See? With dear Eliza in the driving seat, we even get a choice of formats!)

Sorry, Bobby, The Dip doesn't work with corpses.

I thought the wave away was only used on those in authority.

Long Tall Bobby.

I love it when Bobby has to walk behind two people because he's so tall.

An expression we all know and love.


Bobby likes to feel his stubble - so would I!

Just look at the LENGTH of that middle finger!

No caption required.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

In The Drink

Handsome Bobby close up, coevered in stubble and squinting at the sun. Mmmm. At least the guy from Ill Bred got to be the perp this time.

After close inspection, I couldn't avoid the conclusion that Bobby was innocent of pushing the perp in the drink (Diane has had the same thought). He actually keeps his right hand well back, and as the guy goes for the radio in his left, Bobby moves it further out of reach till - SPLASH! Ah, diddums.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Person of Interest

I can't believe I haven't capped this! It's on tonight, way past my bedtime, so I will be watching it tomorrow.

I nave no record of whose caps these are, but thank you.

And to the sensitive among you - sorry about SWMNBN but they are particularly fine and choice pictures of the lovely man.

What a day!

I got home really late (for me) and now it's 8.15 and I really haven't doen anything yet. After school I had to go shopping, and as the supermarket didn't have the Help! DVD, I had to go across to the record shop. That and traffic tailbacks meant I got home 3 hours after leaving work.

And what a day at work! The reading book I'm doing with my class at present is about ancient mysteries including the tomb of Tutankhamun. I casually asked the Head if I could take them to see the Tutankhamun exhibition which is about to start at the O2 (the new name for the Millennium Dome). He didn't hesitate.

I had some non-contact time, so I started investigating, got some phone numbers, then started the battle of the recorded voice giving choices, none of which seems to fit. Eventually I managed to book tickets for November 15th (the only ones for such a number left before April!) and paid for them myself as they "cannot send you an invoice"! This is a business, right? I mean, this is a ticket agency. And they can't send out an invoice! The school will pay me back, though.

Anyway, I'm going to see King Tut in two weeks time! Yippeeeeeee!

This is the solid gold third coffin, decorated with semi-precious stones and glass paste. It won't be in the exhibition.
The second coffin is gilded wood inlaid with glass paste. I doubt it will be in the exhibition either. And of course the gold mask won't be there this time. But I'M GOING TO SEE KING TUT!!!! FOR FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Can't see enough of these

I first saw these on BobbyG's blog. Then TheReel had them. They are so spectacularly gorgeous that I just had to post them here. How will I ever turn my computer off now?

Slippery Customers

Not that there are any pictures of them. Why would I waste the space? But Bobby is talking to one here. Does it matter which one?

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Or should this episode have been called The Deluded? How can they go for Bernard when Bobby's there? How can Bernard sit opposite Bobby and consider that he's a perfect specimen?

Where do straight men get the impression they can ever compete with a man as perfect as Bobby. Or Vincent. Or Valentino...

Vincent Vocab Lesson

Some of you will remember the little book I acquired a couple of months ago which is full of unusual words, most of which have fallen out of use. Here are a couple more that I have put into a Goren-relevant sentence.

In a blabagogy, one finds a great deal of grume.

Blabagogy - a criminal environment.
Grume - a thick, viscous or clotted liquid, especially blood.

Now, don't forget to drop those into conversation today!

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