I just have to post Ocean's Two. It's such a memorable little clip. But it owes nothing to Logan and Barek except their presence as foils to Goren and Eames.
The guy who played the bent FBI agent would under normal circumstances be regarded as quite nice-looking, but next to Vincent he pales into insignificance. He certainly has no sex appeal.
Next week we have the delight of three V-movies on UK television.
On Saturday on ITV4, at 11pm we have Full Metal Jacket.
On Sunday on ITV3, at 9pm we have Case of Evil.
On Tuesday/Wednesday on TCM, at 12.40am we have Being Human.
Wish they'd vary the fare a bit, 'cos we NEVER see things like Household Saints or Happy Accidents, and it's simply ages since The Whole Wide World was on. But a V-movie is a V-movie and I will always count my blessings when something of his is shown.