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Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Five Minutes Mr Welles

Sorry I got this arse about face - this is what I should have posted yesterday.

I tried to make up for it by capping more than I already had (which is not much) but I couldn't find the DVD that works till after I'd run out of time. (The other two are out of proportion.)

Friday, January 29, 2010

Swanning Around

Since our local stretch of river was landscaped, we have had a up to 30 ducks at a time gracing the waters, along with a heron or two (or given that one is definitely a youngster, or three).

Today, as I was throwing bread to some of the ducks by one bridge, another group was bunched around a large greyish bundle close to the other bridge a couple of hundred yards away. I thought it was one of the herons hunched up in one of the shallows, and I was quite concerned. Then it started to move, and my chin dropped. It was a young swan!

So, provided it manages to locate a mate, sometime in the next couple of years, we'll have cygnets along with the ducklings.
I can't stop smiling.

The Break-Up

NOt a good film. The only good bits (surprise, surprise!) were Vincent's. I love him doing gentle comedy.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Anyone for Supper?

The Metro newspaper that is given away at railway and tube stations in London every morning today carried an article about a liger. Unfortunately they didn't publish the same photos on their website. These pictures appeared to show big boy Hercules in London, at Abbey Road, and almost reaching up to the top of a double-decker bus. But he lives in the US, and the scenery was fake.

Hercules is 12 foot tall and weighs 900lbs. He lives in Florida and helps with wildlife education. Apparently his father (a lion) took a fancy to his tiger mother. These matings produce a creature that is bigger than either parent - sometimes bigger than BOTH parents! But they have a tendency to become obese and must have their diets carefully controlled. (Rather you than me, keeper!)

If the mating is male tiger/female lion, then the offspring (a tigon) is normal in size.

Hercules is officially the biggest big cat in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

Hercules is a big head.

And S-T-R-E-T-C-H!

Paw little boy.


What a sweet "normal" film about ordinary people. How lucky was Tilda Swinton? I used to like her...

And my baby is SO serious!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Case of Evil

I thought I had more pictures from this than I have. Still, I'm sure they won't disappoint.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Many Times?

I don't think you have to be in the UK to vote for your favourite L&O detective on the Hallmark Channel. There doesn't seem to be a limit to the number of times one person can vote, either. I vote at least 5 times every evening. Guess who for?

So if you want to stack the stats, just go to and click away. Again and again. And again...

...But not for Det. Nichols, eh?

What's he even doing on there? They haven't even included Det. Green from the Mothership, or Ray Curteis. But Nichols turns up and suddenly he's in? Get real, people.

The Salton Sea

Not his greatest look, but a very cleverly-done role.

Given the roles he was playing around the same time as this film - Major Hathaway, Father Casey, Moriarty - and that Bobby Goren was only a short way into the future, I cannot see how the weight ups and downs can have happened. There just wasn't time!

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