For some reason all my caps are going black today, so I enlisted the help of Picasa to put together this collage for JoJo.
Unfortunately, JoJo, the actual bit of him thumping the noticeboard won't copy well because he's moving so fast it blurs, but I hope this bit will do instead.
Anyone trying to save it will also find I made a mistake in the titling as I'd just been capping Tuxedo Hill, so please try to contain your amusement at my dimwittedness and give it a title of y our own.
I just managed to cap about half of this episode. Of course, the person of interest is really Bobby. I found I was particularly interested in his hands, his eyes and eyelashes, his back...and his lap.
Once again, one picture has faded away to black nothingness.
I've found that I have a programme already on my computer that will let me capture stills from my region 2 dvds. So welcome to the very first original Val's Own pictures, all from one of my favourite episodes, Chinoiserie.
Don't know what happened to this one - it was there a minute ago!
This time it was Eliza who tagged me, and she gave me W.
We Can Work It Out
When I'm Sixty-Four
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
With A Little Help From My Friends
Within You Without You
Two George Harrison ones in this - I adored him, like Ann, and greatly mourn his passing. You can only get one each of J and K out of The Beatles, , 4 Os, and no U, X or Z. Pretty good record of records, eh?
I think Season 2 was the best so far, and these four pictures from Shandeh show the lovely Mr D'Onofrio at his talented and handsome best. I want to kiss those eyes happy and lick those lips for him.