Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
I find it moving, annoying, head-banging that this stupid woman would say such frightening things to her damaged adopted sons just to alienate them from her estranged husband. Maybe it was the brain tumour, but even so...
Good thing the 'scenery' is so lovely, 'cause the subject matter was anything but.
It seems to be human nature to use your children as weapons against an estranged partner..I (unfortunately) know of a couple of families where this has been the case. I can't say it's something I will ever understand. That she scared her children so badly is something else entirely and I hope( but doubt) that she felt suitably guilty aferwards.
On a lighter note, the profile pictures are just gorgeous
I agree with Eliza. I have a daughter-in-law who's done that so we never see our son or his children. It was a powerful Episode and Vincent/Bobby was wonderful. The Episode with the two sisters was a very good one too. I felt so sorry for them both.
Good thing the 'scenery' is so lovely, 'cause the subject matter was anything but.
It seems to be human nature to use your children as weapons against an estranged partner..I (unfortunately) know of a couple of families where this has been the case. I can't say it's something I will ever understand. That she scared her children so badly is something else entirely and I hope( but doubt) that she felt suitably guilty aferwards.
On a lighter note, the profile pictures are just gorgeous
I agree with Eliza. I have a daughter-in-law who's done that so we never see our son or his children. It was a powerful Episode and Vincent/Bobby was wonderful.
The Episode with the two sisters was a very good one too. I felt so sorry for them both.
The profile pictures look like they could almost be 3D. I wanted to reach out and give that stubble a rub.
So true, Val. A very sad episode. (But a very beautiful Bobby!)
The profile pictures are fantastic _ I wanna kiss this face!
Is this the one w/ the kids that were adopted from Romania? It was indeed sad.
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