Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Brother's Keeper 5
I may have the blogger's equivalent of losing a leg tomorrow (sorry if this image upsets someone who has a relative with a missing limb, but I can't think of any other way to put it). A friend has phoned to remind me it's the annual school reunion tomorrow evening, and I really should go this year. So here's a final helping of Vincent to tide us all over.
That will help stem the tide. have fun at your reunion:)
Have a blast!
thank you for the heaping plate of delicious Vincent. Have a good time.
mmmm, you are so good to give us our daily helping b4 you have your fun. hope you have a great time!!
Have an ab fab time at your reunion!!
He is the most cuddle-able (is that a word? Who cares?!) man on the planet - or off it!!! Have a great evening Val.
playing catchup Val... sorry I've been away so long (do I need a letter from my mother? LOL).
thank you for so much Bobby Bobby ::deep deep deep sigh::
I'm off again on Sunday and will miss you, but this thing called real life is coming between me and my cyberfriends.
I see a spot on the horizon sometime in August when my life may be my own for a while.
hope you had a great time at the reunion and hope you have a great weekend
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
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