The other day I found a selection of my cats crammed into the conservatory, though they were on the move by the time I got my camera.

Mitzi caught in mid lip-lick, as Jaspa leaves the scene of the crime.

Beano won the battle of the chair. Dandy looks appealingly on.

Dear old Shelley rarely stirs beyond the bedroom these days, but I took him to get some fresh air.

I grow my tomatoes in a hanging basket. They really took a long time to get going this year,

I had another trip to the zoo today, and got a couple of good shots.

The male okapi was enjoying the taste of the rush matting round his enclosure.

Lumpur was looking particularly regal.

The lion cubs slept all day. They've grown so quickly.

The gorillas were in great form. How human is this pose?

How long-suffering is this look?


The girls are trying to excavate their way out of the indoor enclosure.

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera handy when I found the local ginger tom cat inside the complex that contains Gorilla Island, peering through the mesh at some tropical birds in a walk-through enclosure. One of the volunteer wardens took him off home.
Are your cats all in one place as often as ours? In other words not very often? Nice to see Shelley enjoying a bit of air too :-)
Yup, hardly ever. Though Beano and Mitzi quite like to cuddle up sometimes. He's her role model and she just loves him.
Fantastic shot of the tiger, wow!
When I see my 3 all together I get suspicious, lol.
Great pics Val! The lions have gotten so big already! And great shots of your kitties. You got one with his tongue out. Must be from all that Vincent capping practice. lol ;p
I visited the San Diego Zoo a few years ago and I remember the lion enclosure very well. All that was between you and the lions was glass. The huge male lion came right up to the glass and I got a great picture of his golden eye. Of course, I lost the picture when my computer died. Seeing a lion that close was exciting and terrifying at the same time.
My cats are rarely together except when they're all curled up on me! I need a bigger bed...
Lovely photos, my dear. I enjoyed each and every one, but enjoyed the ones of YOUR little "personal" zoo the most!
Lovelyt photos. I would love to be able to visit the zoo as much as you can!
Also, your Dandy looks like my Macy's twin!
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