Confident Bobby

Bobby looking for affirmation

Wine expert Bobby...

...likes some Oomph! (Me too)

Bobby wondering

Bobby dominating (yes please)

Bobby looking for affirmation

Wine expert Bobby...

...likes some Oomph! (Me too)

Bobby wondering

Bobby dominating (yes please)

Gorgeous pics of a gorgeous man. Got to say-loved it when Alex is on the verge of cracking up when Bobby is describing his wine preferences.
Thanks for the photos Val!
That wine scene was funny and preposterous at the same time, LOL.
Cutie pie!!!
LOL @ the 'Oomph-picture'. That really cracked me up!
Love when Bobby is dominating. :-D
Dominating with Oomph, that's how I like my Bobby!
He IS the 'Ooomph' in my life :0)
Great episode! Great caps! Thanks, Val!
Love your caps and your captions my dear.
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