He likes to dance

Please look at me like that

Bobby needs a laugh like this now

The spot on the nice shiny floor

"You got these under the table"

The titan missile

The size 13s

Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.
Oh yes! Another Jones recap! BobbyG did one, too. Guess great minds think alike! And of course, Bobby and his size 13s are very lovely!
This is one of my all-time favorite episodes. Vincent is just so much FUN in this eppy. So many great scenes. Thanks again, Val, for picking the best of the best!
What a nice sight to come home to..just wish it was in my living room instead of on a computer screen :-D
Simply love it!
Everthing about this episode was Perfect! (Just like Bobby)
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