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Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Stuck in my head

All day I've had the idea for this movie in my head, but to realise it, I had to sort out PowerDVD and AnyDVD in such a way that I didn't have to pay for them all over again (done - unlike Norton) then make it, then upload it. Anyway, here it is for your delectation.

Madi - I hope it was breaking off our IM session for.

That's Vincent throbbed over. Here comes the "Life" part of the blog.

Yesterday I thought a different bit of technology was failing on me. I started my car after work, and the radio and fan wouldn't work (in all that heat!) plus there were some strange noises when engaging the gears and in neutral and park. I had to stop off to pick up a parcel at the post office (my Sky wireless router for when I join them next week as my new ISP; oh dear, I foresee more techno-woes) and when I got back in the problem had disappeared.

Nevertheless I phoned the dealership, and the guy there said he'd come across it before. If the key is turned just a millimetre too far round in the ignition it causes all these problems. I get the electricals, but the engine and gears? Oh well.


judith said...

great vid.
what does IM mean?

jazzy said...

lol, judith :) cool!

great video, val. good boy bobby and bad boy carl...
and now excuse me please i am off for having sweet dreams

acer110 said...

Val, thanks for the reply the other day, but, don't know what BASRIC means. I,m not to computer lingo Savy. Also, I have that Power DVD Program on my computer, but, don't know what is does or how to operate it. Could you enlighten me. I don't know how to email you. I can leave my email address but,hate to broadcast it. I will be back later for your answers and if you want me to leave my Email address just let me know. Thanks Acer110

mauigirl said...

Ooooh YES! Bad boy Carl, actually, Mr Blue is a bad boy. Carl is more like a demented boy. But I still love him. YUMM.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...Vincent in Vincent and handcuffs...mmm...woof,woof...purrr!!!

Eliza said...

Val,don't know about Madi,but I'm glad you stopped chatting to her to make this...the fact that you started with Carl makes it even better :-D

Jane said...

Great video Val! Thank You :) Sounds like your car was jealous of all the attention you've been giving your pc, so it needed to throw a tantrum.

Madi said...

Oh sweetie, for Carl and the view of those handcuffs, it was well worthed!! Lovely!

Judith, IM means Instant Message, you can send them on Yahoo, MSN or any other Messenger :-)

SnarkAngel said...

An "arresting" Bobby is most "arresting." Ahhhhh. Glad your car woes weren't TOO serious!

Unknown said...

cooool video; and i loved the music. hope your computer woes are gone for good and that your car will be ok

val said...

Sorry, Jazzy, the beginning of your comment no longer makes sense after I deleted Judith's accidental duplicate comments!

Anonymous said...

Look, I'm hot enough already without seeing the words 'Vincent' and 'throbbed' next to each other ;0)

Val, maybe we could knit some 'We hate Norton' scarves or something. Twice in a month they've managed to bugger up my PC *snarls*

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