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Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Before I start on Season 5

I just had to try out some of the new Season 3.

The first picture in each pair is from the old album, the second is from the new album.

Apologies if you came to this post in its unfinished form - my computer is having one of those days when it won't click where you want it to, but clicks accidentally on any button it feels like, in this case the post button on the blog.

By and large the pictures from the new DVD are much clearer and crisper, and of course they are larger, but that was because of my own settings on PowerDVD. But I think that the recordings my DVD/HDD made at home are pretty good.

By the way, as I have a meeting tomorrow evening, don't be too disappointed if I don't make it to Blogland. I'll do my best, but sometimes life doesn't co-operate.


jazzy said...

"I'll do my best, but sometimes life doesn't co-operate". Val, this is one of the best sayings EVER! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Doncha just hate it when 'life' gets in the way of D'Onofrio-dom ;0) I can almost hear the screencapping finger working overtime. I need to make a start myself on S3 - again! I did all mine from the Stateside box set, which means they're a strange size, and some have a squished appearance, which is completely unacceptable!

Hope tomorrow goes well for you anyway.

Eliza said...

funny, but looking at the two different sets,I'm not actually sure which I prefer..yes,the caps from the new dvds are clearer, but I quite like the way Bobby looks in the caps from your recordings. I'll just have to try for myself won't I?

judith said...

if they've got "bobby" in they all look wonderful but why is swmnbm in yor pics? hope i got the lettering correct.x

aprilspring said...

Thank you for sharing. Double take is what I call heaven, no matter how unclear or clear they are...

MYM said...

Oooh, I love that one of him in the back of the minivan.

SnarkAngel said...

Feel free to "take a day off" from blogland, Val! You deserve it, spoiling us so each and every single day!

BASRIC said...

Love all the pictures, they're all of Bobby. As for life. I've said I need a wife...not for sex but to do all those little errands and laundry and cleaning (someone who likes doing those things) & I wouldn't have to pay. SOO I can spend my time working and on my laptop...though I could spare some time for my hubby for sex. and 6 hours for sleep.

Jane said...

When he's crammed into the back of the SUV....

val said...

I actually think the proportions are wrong on the new ones - too tall and thin.

Anonymous said...

Look's funny....
But still good blog...



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