I was really grateful for the relief of no angst. Bobby was perceptive and clever, and very good with the girl. Lucky bitch. As for the hands - well...
Swoon to the face that launched a thousand blogs:

Then we have a champion belly shot

a jacket-busting shoulder shot

a mountainous back shot

and a rather dark groin shot.

I think we got it all, then?

a jacket-busting shoulder shot

a mountainous back shot

and a rather dark groin shot.

I think we got it all, then?
As a quick catch-up, my knuckle is hurting so little now, it's impossible to imagine how I thought it might be broken; Mitzi is looking better already; and I hope you are feeling better, Snarkangel.
Hugs and kisses all round.
Great caps, Val.
I have been able to to see the episode and loved it.
How about a snapshot of VDO in the graveyard, please.
I'm glad you didn't hurt your finger as much as you first thought..means you were able to cap comfortably :-)
Wonderful selection of shots that cover the episode perfectly...I'm still incredibly happy about the loss of angst, btw.It was just nice to have a CI episode like the ones we used to have
I may be alone, but I really missed the 'personal' stuff, although I still think you can 'feel' everything that happened to him every time he's on screen. As Vincent said, fans of the show know the history, so even if they don't mention it, it's still there. After everything that's happened in the last 2 seasons, I found it quite strange to have an episode that was suddenly back to 'strictly business'.
Having said that, had he done nothing but play with that weapon for 44 minutes, I'd still have been one happy bunny ;0)
'the face that launched 1000 blogs," - great line val! and great caps:)
hugs and kisses back at you :)
and thanks for the belly shot!!
I missed the personal stuff too, but then again I want Bobby to be able to move on from his pain.
Glad to hear mitzi is looking better :)
Just a question: Do you think the Director of Photography is reading these blogs? ;}
Well, Nita, if he/she isn't, then someone out there can read our minds ;)
So glad to hear your knuckle is nothing serious! I'm doing much better - seems to have been a 24-hour flu - I stayed in bed for 22 hours and that was pretty much the end of it. And thanks, Frances, for inspiring our dear Val! Glad Mitzi is better, too.
I want to rub that belly and see the "genie" that will pop up!! :0)
Great episode.........
good pic......
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