To the south east was the moon which illuminated some rather lovely horizontal cloud formations:

This afternoon, sitting in the garden, I suddenly became aware that the birds sitting in the bushes in a neighbour's garden were making quite a din. When I remember Rachel Carson's The Silent Spring, I feel thrilled that there is still so much birdsong, even in overcrowded suburban London. I rushed in to get my camera. As soon as I started filming, my neighbour started to do what sounded like scraping some paving slabs with a spade. Then there was a plane going over, then police sirens, then an ice cream van's chimes! So much for my peaceful garden with birdsong. Here's the best I managed. It doesn't sound as loud as it did "live" but I hope it gives you some idea of the joyous birdie music:
That was nice.....
I heard the birdies but not the other stuff! It's a blue moon this month. I missed last night's fully b/c it was too hazy at my house.
Val you are one helleva character. I am so glad you were at least able to enjoy birdsong. Thanx for capturing and showing us those wonderful pics. Cheers!!
I love the birdsong...sometimes, if I listen really hard I can hear it here, over the sound of small planes :)
I saw a Red Kite today, it was flying up by mums..I kept stopping and looking at it, wonderful
For Laura, read me...child signed in to youtube again and I didn't notice :)
The children bought me a birdtable on my last birthday and it attracts the most amazing birds.
Unfortunately it attracts the squirrels too, but I can't help but be entertained by their antics.
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