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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Human Number 7 Billion

I give fair warning that some of you may be offended by this post. I am pretty sanctimonious about over-population.

When I was 12 - in 1965 - I realised that the last thing the planet needed was extra mouths to feed, especially from me. Even at that age, I knew I wasn't maternal, so I decided not to breed. At the age of 23 I made a permanent commitment by undergoing a sterilisation operation.

Not only am I the youngest of my generation of the family by far, being the late child of two late children, but from the 1930s, my very poor relatives (dockers, bakers) had obviously known how to control the size of their families. No one had more than 2 children. Several had one or none. I wasn't used to being surrounded by babies and young children, and they played no part in my life.

So when I see people in the developed world having large families, I am in despair. In the Third World, with such high rates of infant mortality, I can understand that people need to breed to make sure that any child survives them. When mortality rates decrease and access to contraception increases, birth rates decline. There is no such excuse in the west.

And let's not forget the influence of the Roman Catholic ban on contraception, which affects poorer countries in places like South America out of all proportion to Europe, whence the senseless edict comes, and where it is largely ignored.

Meanwhile, having destroyed our own wild land (in the UK, over 2,000 years ago) we expect poor countries to protect their rainforest and fragile habitats on our say-so.

Captive breeding of endangered species is pointless if there is no habitat to return them to. But humans will use up that habitat to feed themselves, just because they think that an ever-increasing population is OK, or "nothing to do with me".

The worst response, in my opinion, is from the wealthy, when they say, "Oh, but we can afford X number of children." THE PLANET CAN'T! The wondrous leaders of our "greenest ever" government (as they call themselves, oblivious of the irony) Cameron and Clegg, have 3 children each. That represents a 50% population increase. And each child of theirs will have a far greater impact on climate change than any child of a Third World country, bar those of the corrupt dictators who pocket aid meant for their citizens.


Music Wench said...

No offense taken by me. I didn't have any children either. In my case it was mostly because I was an only child, hung around with a lot of adults and didn't really enjoy playing with a lot of other kids. But I am also aware of the over population problem and I agree also find people who have a lot of children to be irresponsible.

The problem is, we seem to be socially programmed to procreate. I'm so sick of people who think there is something wrong with those of us who CHOOSE to not have children. No one stops to think the toll all those kids have on the environment.

We are operating on an antiquated ideal. Back when people had shorter life-spans and many children died before reaching adulthood, it was an insurance policy to have more than a couple of children. It guaranteed the continuation of the species. We no longer need to do that. We have way too many people.

Eliza said...

No offense taken by me either :-)

I can't explain why I wanted 4 children..maybe something to do with a screwed up childhood, although thats an easy reason to come up with. I knew I wanted lots of children when I was 8, and when I was 17 I did what I could to start things..which sounds really bad when I look at it now.

Enviromentally I know we have a much bigger impact than you do, although we do our best to minimise it..none of us drive, we recycle everything we can, and we grow our own vegetables..which helps a little I hope

Jane said...

No offense here. I knew from a young age I didn't want to have children. There's a family over here that has 19 children (The Duggars) they have their own TV show, and even though the mother is in her 40's and each new pregnancy is a risk to her and the child...She wants more children! According to her....It's gods will. I don't understand it.

mauigirl said...

No offense taken by me either! I love and have always wanted my 3 children, and at one time wanted a fourth. MusicWench, I agree about being programmed to procreate, but have to say we're biologically programmed along w/socially to do that.
I don't believe people that want kids shouldn't have them. I believe women/girls that DON"T want children should be able to make that decision without any religion/government interfering. Same for third-world countries - it's mostly the religious influence that keeps them procreating.
The Duggars - well, you know what religion they represent. I taught many of them and if i tell you, i had a meeting w/a mom once who just had her 7th baby and had a rough time of it. She told me she wished she could stop, but her husband said they must have 10 children. THAT'S disgusting to me!
And Val, I think you're quite maternal, just not for baby humans. :))

Anonymous said...

The news that we were about to become 7 billion immediately brought to what's left of my mind, a line from 'The Matrix'; 'Mankind is like a virus....'

I never wanted children either, but I really don't understand why you have enormous amounts of them you are unable to FEED; except in the UK of course, where some people appear to have children so they can collect large amounts of benefits courtesy of the long-suffering tax payer.....

ann said...

don't make me feel guilty - i make no apologies for having a family and experiencing the abundant love, worries, heartache and joy it brings - like mauigirl i wish i had been blessed with more children... and eliza i don't think you have to justify anything

i wouldn't dream of criticizing anyone who chooses not to have babies, but i don't expect to be condemned because i did what came naturally to me

val said...

Not criticising individuals, Ann, except Cameron and Clegg. But it's something we all need to consider, when it comes to planet Earth, we really are all in this together, the planet's our lifeboat, and if it sinks we are ALL going to drown.

JoJo said...

Bravo Val!!!! Well said and I agree 100%!!! It's like here in the states, there are so many 3-5 child families, and they can't afford it. Then they all have to have the big SUVs to haul their brood around in. I chose not to have kids for different reasons, not so much for the good of the planet.

Anonymous said...

Another reason Third World countries have large families is to have able bodies that can work for the family.

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