On Thursday, when they give up screening ancient episodes of the original L&O, they start a rerun of LOCI, starting from Season 1 AGAIN! And because it's on at 8pm, they will leave out the usual episodes. For instance Art. Can anyone tell me why that episode is unsuitable for showing before the watershed? (That's the 9pm threshold after which it is assumed all children will be in bed, and will therefore not see anything "inappropriate".)
Seems strange that they won't show Art, I wonder what their reasoning is?
Beautiful pictures Val...I love this episode.
I loved this one too when he was all sarcastic w/ the cop.
Why would Art be left out? I can't think of any content that is any worse than any other gruesome episode.
Some truly extraordinary caps from this eppy, Val! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
my cup of coffe and vincent,perfect flow of the day!uuu...flexi vincent...ah,so adorable...only the tie bobby?how sad,bobby!oh,you smart bobby,all in blue,plus that redish tie..mmmmm...sexy.so funny bobby with that salute...WOW what a long tounge!uuu bobby you what to grab me like that with yours hands and fingers?..i'm all yours!!again cute and angry,bobby?..GO,bobby,GO!!!
"There's nothing innocent about THAT baby-face"
Loved this episode! As for Hallmark, who can fathom the unfathomable ;0)
"Badge" has got to be the funniest episodes I've ever seen. Bobby pretending to smoke, Randolph getting all pissed at him, the whole "frugal" conversation...all good, all good.
Well, it is probably true that nothing in his size is ever on sale, but that's not his fault. What is he supposed to do, make his own clothes? Not a good argument for Randolph.
YOU rigth beatlelady,about he's clothes!i now,becauze i have he's body tipe.just imagine how difficult for me,to find proper shoe size!
Bobby's Girl here, In answer to your question, Val; First picture that came to my mind was the perp and that beautiful girlfriend in bed with him all sweaty and her in her black underware. It was obvious to me they'd just done it doggie style. Don't know much about the rating system and haven't given much thought to how this ranks with other episodes, but that's my take anyway. He sure is beautiful!
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