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Monday, October 24, 2011

Do you really want to know this?

Maybe it's too much information.

Today I had my repeat smear test. The nurse made one last try, but was unsuccessful. So she brought in the doctor, who was successful and caused a lot less pain. I hope she hasn't retired before my next one is due, 'cos I think I'll start with her, rather than end with her.


bobbybegood1 said...

If smear is what I think it is I have never experienced any pain. Your story reminds me of the time I had to have a blood transfusion. The "nurse" who said she had been a "nurse" for over 12 years could not put a needle in the vein. "You dumb, incometent SOB" was what I was thinking. Plus she hurt the hell out of my hand. She must have poked me over10 times to no avail. My hand swelled to the size of Shaq's. She went to get a nurse from pediatrics to put the IV in. BINGO - one attempt and she got the needle in with no pain. By the way, she was from India - if that means anything. LOL! Cheers!!

Music Wench said...

Did they tell what the reason was for your pain? Normally I feel uncomfortable but it doesn't hurt at all. My last trip to the gynecologist was so not fun. Especially when she tells me I'm about to start menopause. Like I didn't already know! lol

Anonymous said...

Y'know, there are some things I could live my whole life without needing to know ;0)

val said...

Sorry, Diane, tou are trumped by Music Wench's need to know.

My cervix is a long way back and facing downwards, so they had to find a way to turn it and flip it open.

Well, you did ask...

Eliza said...

Having spent more time than I care to remember with doctors/nurses/midwives poking around down there, I sympathise..but I think I could beat you with the tale of my gp trying to remove my coil, the details of which are thankfully forgotten :-)

Music Wench said...

Oh my...that does sound painful. I give you credit for going for regular check-ups as I find reasons to skip mine from time to time and mine is just a slight discomfort.

Here's hoping you have a clean bill of health for a long time!

bobbybegood1 said...

Hey! Are we comparing? Because I got a doozy for ya. Ever have a biopsy down there? SO NOT FUN!! I have fibroid tumors that needed to be checked before I could have a procedure done. He told me to cough thinking that while I'm busy coughing I would not feel anything? It didn't last that long but so damn uncomfortable. BTW - I did feel something. Cheers Val!!

P. S. I love that we women can talk about such things. Don't you? LOL!!

val said...

I think you win for conscious procedures, BBG1.

I'm pretty sure this wins the insensitive/stupid gynaecologist prize though - after a surgical procedure I was waiting to be alowed home, and the gynae said, "Oh, Ms Weber, I didn't recognise you with your clothes on"!!!

JoJo said...


vikeau said...

I just hate when they say relax. Its just not a relaxing position to be in. I hope everything comes back thumbs up.

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