Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The New Tenants
Apparently I have never capped this film, so I've taken the arrival yesterday of the "official" version rather than my iTunes copy to put that oversight right.
*sniff* :`(
And once again...He dies :(
He generally does when his character is a "butt hole". I really enjoyed this film.
Other than LOCI, he rarely lives to see another day. Oh well...
awesome pics of vincent from the new tentants n i hated when he died BOOO HOOOOOOO
And once again, he dies..... :0(
What a brilliant actor this man is, though!!
For some reasom I'm drawn to his eyes in these caps. They're almost doe like in a couple.
Great caps...did you notice when he takes a breath while he's supposedly dead? If you watch closely, you'll see his chest move.
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