Have to agree wholeheartedly with Eliza on a couple of points! That middle finger against his neck ... its like he's giving us a "sign." LOL!! And a smile crosses my face every single time I recall that shoe-shopping scene! Classic LOCI. As far as SWMNBN is concerned, I'm going to miss her! Those were some of my favorite episodes!
Even the back of 'the evil ones' head infuriates me...Thanks for adding some additional eye candy Val :)
shoe shop scene + that middle finger shot = happy me :-D
I've developed selective blindness where SWMNBN is concerned..she barely registers on my mind anymore
Have to agree wholeheartedly with Eliza on a couple of points! That middle finger against his neck ... its like he's giving us a "sign." LOL!! And a smile crosses my face every single time I recall that shoe-shopping scene! Classic LOCI. As far as SWMNBN is concerned, I'm going to miss her! Those were some of my favorite episodes!
great caps (ALL of them) of one of the best episodes ever!
I prefer old-heart-in-a-box...er...'in a box' *evil laugh*
Hands...fingers...YUMMYYYYYY...neck shots...PURRRRRRR!!!;)))
Thanks for adding some additional eye candy
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