Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Post 1300 - Gone
Don't you just love seeing Bobby stepping in to protect Eames?
He's just the man to understand troubled genius.
Val when Bobby stepped before Eames,to protect her,my hart melted!!!Bobby is a genius,too,so he understaned that lost man!!Ahhh...that cute,nice and smart Bobby;you got' to love him!!!I certainly do!!!
I'm new around here, but, I just have to say... didn't you love how he let his size speak for him instead of yelling at the guy? He whispered, "Knock it off". I thought that was so cool... and HOT.
I could watch that scene of him throwing that guy against the wall, over and over and over (and in fact, I have). Any time I see him "get physical" with another guy, I . . . well . . . I . . . I . . . well . . . I'm sure you get the idea . . . LOL
Val when Bobby stepped before Eames,to protect her,my hart melted!!!Bobby is a genius,too,so he understaned that lost man!!Ahhh...that cute,nice and smart Bobby;you got' to love him!!!I certainly do!!!
How did that one actress keep from blowing her lines w/ him leaning over that close? I bet she could feel his breath on her neck.
Loved the double exposure you got there too!
I think it's so sexy the way Bobby steps in to protect Eames. He's a real sweetheart.
It took me a couple of viewings but I decided in the end that I actually liked this episode..especially the way he protects Eames :-)
I was wondering the same thing, jojo. If I were her, I would have jumped on him the second he leaned in.
I haven't seen this episode yet (I'm way behind–busy and all that). One day I'll learn how to manage my time.
I'm new around here, but, I just have to say... didn't you love how he let his size speak for him instead of yelling at the guy? He whispered, "Knock it off". I thought that was so cool... and HOT.
I so want to kiss his....wrists (and any place else he'd let me)
I could watch that scene of him throwing that guy against the wall, over and over and over (and in fact, I have). Any time I see him "get physical" with another guy, I . . . well . . . I . . . I . . . well . . . I'm sure you get the idea . . . LOL
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