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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chained Exclusive! Rerun

I've decided to republish this little gem from last year's London Frightfest because Jennifer Lynch has been getting some nasty trolls tweeting and blogging against her, and I thought it might be nice to show her that she is appreciated. I know some of you were too wimpish to watch the film, even to see our favourite actor, because Bobby Goren this character is not. But I know we are all glad to know he is getting the chance to stretch his creative wings, which Jen certainly gave him here.

Review, and interview with Jennifer Lynch.

This was a harrowing film during the showing of which the audience sat for the most part in stunned silence.

Vincent D'Onofrio acts brilliantly, as we would expect, and needs make no effort to be believable as a brute capable of dragging and carrying a full-grown woman screaming and struggling to her doom.

There are some flashbacks to the childhood experiences that made Vincent's character, Bob, what he is. As he tries to persuade/coerce Rabbit to emulate his actions and lifestyle, there are some interesting psychological observations in the portrayals under Lynch's direction.

There is a twist at the end that Lynch had to reduce because of time comstraints. Lynch is hoping to release a Director's Cut to restore the lost scenes.

On the absolute unmissable plus side, there are shots of Vincent's torso, front and back and in the shower, his lovely calves, and those size 13s. Plus a side view of one bum cheek with leg on top of a victim as he dozes. Trust me, it's worth all the nastiness.

As this recording of part of the interview starts, Lynch has been discussing the doctoring of the one murder scene that is visual rather than audible as required by the censors. It had to be painted out as being "too realistic" which, she said, was rather the point.


JoJo said...

Yeah I'm not gonna see this, not even for his performance. It's just way too dark and scary, and Jennifer Lynch is out there. Just my humble opinion.

Sandy said...

I respect your opinion JoJo and I think I'm right there with ya. Did you like the film, Val? and I do not doubt one bit that Vincent's performance is not short of brilliant.

Eliza said...

We are going to have to discuss this today...I will be more likely to watch this's the supernatural stuff that give me the willies, not serial killers :)

val said...

I don't think "enjoy" is a word you can use about a film like this. I admired it, and appreciated the constraints that meant it was imperfect.

What did people think about what Lynch said about Vincent and Julia Ormond?

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'll still pass thank you :0(

Sandy said...

Val, I just went back and watched the video of Lynch again and I honestly don't quite know what she meant by the remark of Vincent and Julia wanting to continue the sexual tension between them after LOCI. Can anyone help me out here??

val said...

Sandy, most people don't appear to agree that there was any. Personally, I can see it. The comments about her being beautiful for starters. Maybe transference, maybe attraction, who knows? Who will ever know?

Sandy said...

Indeed, who and how will we ever know.

Jane said...

I Love scary movies but I have no desire to see this one.

sell said...

Eu amo VDO, e é por saber que ele é brilhante que não assistirei este filme. Porque ele foi feito de modo muito realista, real demais, diferente de um filme de terror ordinário. E eu sou muito sensível a filmes assim. Já não assisto filmes com violência gratuita, quanto mais um feito de modo tão convincente. É interessante que há controvérsias quanto ao filme, mas não quanto as atuações. Quase todas as críticas que li sobre as performances dos atores ( principalmente VDO) foram favoráveis. Ele merece porque é um ator incrível, e serei sempre admiradora de seu trabalho.

sell said...

Eu amo VDO, e é por saber que ele é brilhante que não assistirei este filme. Porque ele foi feito de modo muito realista, real demais, diferente de um filme de terror ordinário. E eu sou muito sensível a filmes assim. Já não assisto filmes com violência gratuita, quanto mais um feito de modo tão convincente. É interessante que há controvérsias quanto ao filme, mas não quanto as atuações. Quase todas as críticas que li sobre as performances dos atores ( principalmente VDO) foram favoráveis. Ele merece porque é um ator incrível, e serei sempre admiradora de seu trabalho.

judith said...

I'm with Diane and Tess on this one...

Claire said...

Guess she is right about that tension between Goren and Gyson. She could have gotten to Bobby - just like Nicole - only in a good way. Would have loved to see this going further ...
Why Lynch brings this up in regard to 'Chained' I'm not sure ... maybe she was trying to refer to a good chemistry between the two of them and just put it a little wrong? ;-)

Still I think the ending of 'Chained' is hurried and a little uninspired ... time constraints or not.

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