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Thursday, September 08, 2011

Wanted for Murder?

Of the English language.

I just watched a programme about the "Ground Zero Mosque".

I'm not a fan of any religion. Too many people have been killed in the name of a god, back to the medieval crusades and beyond.

I hate how some major religions put women into a subservient position. And as far as I understand that can mean orthodox Judaism as much as Islam.

I can understand the opposition of the people who lost someone on 9/11 to a Muslim place of worship so close to the site destroyed by Muslim fundamentalists. I understand the moderate Muslims' wish to have a place of worship and reconciliation.

They won't understand one another on principle.

But while they duke it out, did the anti-mosque movement that has apparently grown up across the US have to commit the murder of English?

One of the official posters at a rally stated "our piece and quite are not for sale".

Are they "quite" sure? And "piece" of what? Cake?

It would be funny if it were not so tragic.


vikeau said...

Maybe they're dyslexic, huh maybe? And spell check would in no way have helped these folks out.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that spelling of "quiet" to reflect "quite" especially down in the south. A friend from Texas would even pronounce it that way, so maybe it has something to do with that. I have no logical reasoning for "piece" though.

bobbybegood1 said...

Great post Val. Cheers!!

JoJo said...

If there's one thing that goes up my ass a mile, is when I see misspelled political signs and graffiti.

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