I hadn't realised that last night's episode was going to be a Nicole one. Poor Bobby having to sit there with the tape of one of the earlier episodes playing, listening to her going on about his mother. But didn't he get her back well - "Not in her wildest delusions did she imagine anything like you". Go for it, Bobby. He asked the question about her saving up her blood, so the seed has been sown that she may still be alive.
More lippy. He doesn't need it - the natural look is best for his yummy lips.
Bizarrely, Hallmark had played the end theme and credits for a totally different programme the night before, both at 8pm and at 11pm. More evidence of the amateurishness of some of the satellite/cable companies.
But she is alive b/c she's in an episode from this past season where she's taken up w/ a man who has a small daughter.
My curiosity is piqued about this "alternate ending" thing from this episode. Maybe if they ever get around to releasing Seasons 2 & 4 over here, it'll have both endings.
jo jo, i am wondering if, like so many other shows, that they filmed two endings, so that the actual ending would not be leaked to the press prior to airing. because the clip they are referring to, that vincents says she dies in, is the west coast episode, which if it had aired, would have been the one you would have seen. oh my all you english teachers are gonna have fun with that last run on sentence!
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