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Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hampton Court Palace

Built bu Cardinal Thomas Wolsey in the early 16th century, Hampton Court soon had to be handed over to Henry VIII, who jealous of the project.

It was developed over the next couple of hundred years, in the styles of the various eras.

Under WIlliam and Mary Sir Christopher Wren supervised some further development, and the Tudor and Stuart wings make this a palace of many faces.

The Palace used to contain "grace and favour" appartments, where retired ladies-in-waiting and other distressed gentry could live. One batty old bag would only use candles and, yes, you've guessed it, she managed to set fire to the place. The repair and renovation took years, but in the process some lost features, such as the King's Privy Garden, were rediscovered and have now been reinstated. Sadly, though, many works of art were lost of damaged. The madwoman was the only human casualty.
The Tudor West Front.

The East Front. The conical trees are VERY overgrown topiary.

One of the many courtyards.

A close-up of the West Front portico. Don't know who circled themselves.

A bird's eye view of part of the palace.

The Astronomical Clock. It only has an hour hand.

The Tudor Kitchens.

Wren's South Front.


Anonymous said...

When are you coming over to visit us, Lisa?!

val said...

In real life too, Lisa. But they charge a mint to get in.

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