Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Staten Island interview

Look what I found lurking in my YouTube account:


  1. I saw this as an extra on the DVD. I grew up on Staten Island(which means as a New Yorker, yes I have an inferior complex) and Vincent's comment, Staten Island the only reason to go there is if you live there, or in my case if your family still lives there. However, what Vincent did not realize is that some of the best NY style pizza comes from Staten Island. And we have trees, lots of trees. And more green space than any other bourgh. It was a good place to grow up. And the movie one of my VDO favoritess. ;-0

  2. Anonymous8:44 am

    This was one of many little clips from Paris wasn't it? I'm still living for the day when Vincent is being interviewed in London!

  3. I love "Staten Island," too, Vikeau! What a unusual and wonderful little movie! And yes, Val, this is a great interview!!

  4. I always thought it'd be cool to see Staten Island, it looks like a nice place to live.

  5. He's just Yummy isn't he!!

  6. It is a different place from the rest of NY, that's for sure.
