Thursday, January 07, 2010

Give me a break!

This morning, I was sure that school would be closed. The kids are largely bussed in, and last year the local council's school buses were not able to operate when we had a cold, snowy snap. They pick up kids from the small back streets, so even if they can get the buses out of the depot and on to the main roads, they can't do their job.

As my street was a sheet of solid ice, I was hoping that this was so. I was dreading having to get to the main road along a skating rink.

But alas, the council's website showed the school as being open. Only when I got there did I discover that, not only had the school buses been cancelled - so had the service buses that pass the school, as yesterday they had been sliding everywhere and blocking the road. Other schools served by this bus route had been closed for the day.

In the end, about 18 kids from primary and secondary combined made it in. There were several staff members for each kid. I spent the whole day on tenterhooks wondering what conditions would be like on the way home.

We got to go home an hour early, and a few rays of sun had made some of the ice slushy, so until I got to my street things were tolerable. And I only had to drive past my house twice before one of the park-and-ride invaders drove off!

Tomorrow I just have to walk along iced-up pavements to the hospital for my physio appointment. One of two things will happen. Either I'll fall over and do myself more damage than the buggered-up shoulder I acquired in an earlier fall, the very problem for which I am being treated; or the physio won't have been able to get in.

Meanwhile, I have received an unpleasant surprise. Apparently, it is three years since I had my last mammogram. I could have sworn it was only one, or at most two. But no, the reminder arrived, and on Feb 1st I have to go and have my tits compressed. As they are SOOOO huge, it takes at least three squeezes per breast to get the pictures, that is 50-100% more than normal women.

Of the 30lbs or so I have lost, about half-an-ounce has come off my bosoms. Life is so unfair.


  1. Anonymous7:34 pm

    I decided to cycle to the gym this morning. Yes, I fell off on one of the lethal side streets I had to negotiate before getting to a snow-free main road. A speed bump covered in about 3" of solid ice did for me, BUT I swore, picked myself up and continued on my way....

    Sympathies on the breast-squashing appointment. I figure a man invented the machine. I mean, can you imagine them submitting to this procedure on their bits??!!

  2. Schools started 2 hours late here today because the streets are solid ice and the temperature is 7 degrees below zero with a bone numbing wind chill of 33 degrees below...

    Good luck with the mammogram! *Ouch*

  3. Hey my squeezogram is on 2/2!

    I'm glad you made it to and from work safely, but I don't think they would have blamed you for calling in!! Stay safe Val and don't fall and break something!

  4. ... all the side streets are like ice rinks - i watch the cars slip and slide all over the place - i did make it into work today and really wanted to leave before dark, but workload prevented that - thankfully it hadn't started snowing again - i don't work friday's so i'm using shank's pony to do my friday errands

    while your boobs are being squeezed think of vincent :>)

  5. The schools are closed until Monday here...unless we get more snow over the weekend, in which case they'll be closed Monday too :-(

    Take care, you hear?

  6. I CANNOT imagine my "bits" being compressed into such an awful state. My sympathies to women everywhere. You'd think medical science could come up with a better way! Thank goodness almost every property owner in my neighborhood is keeping the sidewalks clear, and the City of Chicago is keeping the streets plowed. But I can't imagine work on Saturday being much of anything as far as people out looking for apartments. We shall see. Be careful, Val!

  7. Holy Moly! Val you are toooo funny. Sorry about your physical condition. As far as the mam -- I had one last October. Not so bad this time. Being on the pleasingly curvaceous side myself -- I totally feel you. Next time don't wait soooooo long. I guess both sexes have their pros and cons regarding bodily procedures, but remember -- we don't have to have our prostates prodded. Be grateful for small favors (ha, ha).

  8. Take care and good luck with the mammogram Ow! I'm agree with Di, a man invented the machine! :<(

  9. Believe me, for small bits the procedere is not easy either.
