Thursday, November 08, 2007

Help! Again

I recorded Help! off the telly last week, and when it came out this week, of course I bought it. My class wanted to watch a film for their enrichment class, so I'm showing it to them. Their verdict so far - it's great fun!

The Fab Four's talents entertain another generation.

It's true that one autistic boy didn't get it and wailed loudly, much to the annoyance of the others. But in the end even he settled down to enjoy it in his own unique way.


  1. I haven't seen Help! since I was in high school, but I remember it making me laugh.

  2. I should watch it again. It's been ages. But I do remember it. And yes, it was QUITE FUN!

  3. My fave was always Yellow Submarine though. I LOVE that movie!!!

  4. Anonymous11:36 pm

    I remember taking my younger
    cousins to see it when I was
    much much younger myself

    I'm with jojo though; Yellow
    Submarine was ab brill, lurved
    the blue meanies

  5. Thanks for the reminder about Help! I ordered it last night from and it is on its way. Haven't seen it in YEARS, so this should bring back some long forgotten childhood memories.

  6. Anonymous7:35 pm

    I also ordered "Help!" from Amazon. Though I didn't realize that I had bought the Korean version (it is in Enlgish, but it automatically does Korean subtitles and the summary on the back of the case is in Korean). Whoops.

    I love "Help!"

    "It's a thingy! A fiendish thingy! Run, Ringo, run!"
