Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Suggestions, please

When I got home it was really warm and muggy, so I left the back door open to cool the house down. I came upstairs and started blogging. Two hours have passed. It is dark, and I really need to go and shut the door. But I have a small parrot sitting contentedly on my shoulder. How can I shut the door without either making her get off in here, or taking her with me, as she might escape out the open door?


  1. well... what did you do?

  2. I have no suggestions,but I'd love to know how you solved the problem.

    Oh,got my phone was in a teenage boys bedroom apparently,and it had absolutely no life left in the battery.But it did still have all my V pics,and those ringtones :-D

  3. Hmmm....I'd be more concerned about what's gotten into your house with the door open! Like icky bugs!

  4. I guess you have to take her with, but hold her snuggly so she cannot escape. I held a gold finch yesterday. She had gotten her foot tangled in a string and was hanging upside down (poor baby). After I snipped the string, I took her back outside and she sat nicely on my hand for about 30 seconds before flying away. Such a precious creature...
