Friday, October 26, 2007

Silent Reading

When Silencer first aired I hadn't yet started to learn sign language. But I've been learning BSL and Makaton, whereas Bobby should be speaking ASL. (BSL and ASL are the British and American versions, Makaton is adapted for people with more severe disablilities, either physical or in understanding.) So in theory I shouldn't be able to understand him.

This looks like he's saying "Thank you". You're welcome, darling.

Now surely this means, "There's that gorgeous Val over there."

This is very similar to the BSL for brother, I think. Wonder what he's actually saying?

Let's face it, using body language, he comes over loud and clear in all languages and none - "I am the sexiest man in the universe, and I don't even know it!"


  1. I can't see a single picture at all. Just boxes w/ Red X's in them. :(

  2. I can see them fine....more importantly I can see him fine too :-D

    Hows the learning going? I learnt Makaton because of my daughter and her speech's much easier than BSL,which still confuses me.You should record "Something Special" on Cbeebies..Justin is brilliant at making Makaton understandable ( which is more than I can say for me when I start rambling) I'll shut up now :D

  3. Oh yeah . . . I see him just fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!

  4. I can see him just fine. Beautiful...big sigh...the photos AND the man.

  5. Now it's working.. Must be this stupid PC. haha.. thanks for the pics. he is so gorgeous and yes I am sure he doesn't even know it..

  6. Anonymous12:31 pm

    AHA! Now I can see him fine, last night I was with those seeing either nothing or little red crosses everywhere.

    I think one of Vincent's (innumerable!) attractions is the fact he's blissfully unaware he's gorgeous. Happily, we're all smart enough to know that he is ;0)

  7. You are definitely obsessed with D'Onofrio. I am sorry if my reviews are not doing him justice. Where do you get these great pictures? Great consistent logging; thanks!

  8. Loved his hair last season-needs to be longer this season-
