Wednesday, October 17, 2007


In the staff room today, as we so often do, we were discussing how kids are becoming such monstrously self-important little kings and queens because they are given everything they demand - and they do DEMAND.

The son of one of the male teachers was bad enough - dad was away on a school journey when 4-year-old and friend decorated the walls of his bedroom with felt-tip pens. Mum told him off, then dad went to do the same thing when he got home. Son said, "I told her it was my room and it was up to me what I do in there." I think he got more than the naughty step for that one.

Then someone else chimed in with what she and a bunch of friends heard in the supermarket when they were students. A small child wanted a bunch of goodies, and mum said no. Kid screamed at the top of his voice, "If you don't get it for me I'll tell everyone I saw you sucking daddy's willie!" Embarrassed mum bought child everything he wanted.

No-one tried to top that story!


  1. My response to the brat would have been ever-so-Joan-Crawford: "Yes, darling . . . I sucked Daddy's willie . . . and when we get home . . . I'm going to cut yours off! Now go find Mommie Dearest a BIG box of band aids!"

  2. I was just going to say that "kids truly do say the darndest things," but Snarkangel, I think you said it best. Ladies, thank you for a wonderful belly laugh. I needed it.

  3. Yes, Snarkangel wins the prize for best comeback!!!

  4. So this is a worldwide problem isn't it? Good to know. As I'm sure you are aware Val, special ed. kids are not immune to being spoiled. Here's my rant: I'm sick of people saying "Oh, they're sooo cute!" As if that vaccinates them against going to hell for what they are really thinking. But really, some are cute and behave like little stinkers cuz they know they can get away with it. I guess after my white shirt just got smeared with ketchup (on purpose) I don't wanna hear about how 'cute' the kid is.
    OK, I'm done. Stick a fork in me.

  5. Anonymous7:31 pm

    What's the old adage? 'Out of the mouths of babes..' or indeed mum's in this case ;0)
    Snarkangels response should be posted web-wide. A man after my own heart there, a true classic! I remember being at a friend's once, when her 15 year old was mouthing off at her, about her 'rights' and how she'd call the police if she (mum) slapped her. I told my friend afterwards that if that was a child of mine, I'd have advise her to call an ambulance first, 'cause she'd need that sooner than the cops ;0)

  6. Well, CLaire, having been called a fucking bitch and told to fuck off today because I caught a teenager trying to steal something and gave him a bollocking about it, I can confirm that special needs kids are not always cute and sweet.

    Then there was the pre-teen who amuses me greatly, but who dissolved in tears because he'd been caught out AGAIN printing pictures of guns, which are his rather odd obsession.

    The comments on the Taste Test forms my 15-year-olds filled in today included things like "I caressed it (the biscuit) lovingly...I found it ravishing..." These kids I love!
