Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Goodbye Freedom, Hello DOSH

I decided to take the maternity cover job, so I'm feeling a bit cross-eyed with fatigue after 3 days' work in a row following 9 weeks' idleness. All those little jobs that I meant to do last summer but didn't get around to - will have to wait till next summer!

By then I will be able to afford to hire a skip and have a professional clear up the house. YES!


  1. Excellent! Congratulations! :)

  2. Good Luck!! You have my neverending admiration for doing what you do...4 teenagers are more than enough for me to cope with

  3. Good for you, Val. I wrote an opus about this kind of decision to you yesterday which vanished into the ether. But the gist of it was that your love for the place was a good starting point.

    I have to say again that I love this blog. I saw the first ad for the new LOCI season on USA and thought I'd go to the USA web site for info -- bad idea for me. I couldn't sort through it all, especially those message boards. What happened to Wheeler? She made off-Goren/Eames episodes worth watching!

  4. yey, congrats! and don't worry, when you've worked these hours long enough you'll start to give the rings under your eyes names and it'll all be a lot more fun. :D

  5. Hi, Plaice. Wheeler will be back. The actress (Julianna Nicholson) is on maternity leave. So Noth's "Logan" character is getting a temporary partner (kind of what they did with Bobby when Alex was on maternity leave).

  6. Great, hon! At least it'll be worth it!!!

  7. I feel your pain. I am taking my summer vacation... Now. My summer projects - all gone. delayed. Maybe next year. Also Love your Blog. Added to my daily read
