Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Subway - update

I emailed the ITV duty office, and they say they think The Subway might be due for screening on July 19th. (They only have the schedules 2 weeks hence, so he's done well to get us an answer so quickly).


  1. Ya lucky duck! No stations around here rerun H:LOTS!

  2. JoJo, WGN out of Chicago shows HLOTS every morning at 10:00. They're getting ready to show The Subway episode.

    An interesting tidbit. Julie Martin was a producer on Homicide, she's now a consulting producer on CI.

  3. I saw that epi of HLOTS way before I was a V Vixen and I just cried. I also think Andre is a great actor (though I don't have crazy sex fantasies about him!).

  4. Anonymous8:45 am

    debs writes

    Oh thanks Val, I keep checking to see if it's coming on, but like you said they so few & far between. I might put it on series link so hopefully will record it.

  5. Anonymous3:46 pm

    Good job Val. Of course, they didn't mention which year ;0)

  6. Tess - unfortunately we dont' get WGN on our cable. I used to have it on my cable when I lived in Massachusetts, but it's not available on the west coast. :(

  7. Thanks for the info,Val...will be nice to actually see it on TV
