Monday, June 04, 2007

Here Be Monsters

I made these slideshows a while ago - I think they may be some of my first - and as it looks like Photobucket will resist me every step of the way if I try to make some new ones, I thought i'd be a good Green girl and recycle.


  1. Anonymous8:03 pm

    Well, I can see the second one - and very nice it is too. Think Blogger/Bucket is having one of it's moods today. Tess tells me the Cat had vanished completely at one stage today....hey ho, technology?!

  2. Good job of recycling! A nice pick up for an otherwise crappy day. Thanks Val! I can always count on you and the other gals to put a smile on my face. :)

  3. Anonymous2:14 am


    frikkin' widget!!

  4. you can recycle as often as you like... I love Bobby in all his glory whether they're new pics or old
