Sunday, April 05, 2015

Busy days with animals

When Macavity arrived he soon settled on my bed. He's no fool.

So Twiglet has colonised the sofa. She appears to have kidnapped the Lindt chocolate bunnie and stolen his collar and bell.

Meanwhile Mac is still on the bed. He doesn't want to reveal the colour of his eyes. They are a secret. Are they yellow or are they green?

On Tuesday Eltham Palace had a preview of the work they've been carrying out during the close season. They've refurbished previously unseen bits, such as the wartime bunker, and because the Courtaulds who built the modern palace had a pet lemur, they brought in a lemur to enhance the day. (Except for the TV presenter who wondered if it was a marsupial...)

It's been quite a lemur-y week. On Wednesday I went to see the new walk-through lemur enclosure at the zoo. Wish I had a tail like that.

 Finally, this evening I enjoyed my usual fox-feeding fest. To start with there were three darlings, but by the time I fetched my camera only one was still feeding...along with a brave - or foolish - magpie who often pops down to try and steal a snack.

Then foxy noticed the pigeons. They soon disappeared though and s/he seems to be heading for me instead!

The View From Up Here

I know a lot of people didn't like this episode. All I know is I wouldn't pay tuppence to live in that highrise. And being Season 4, Bobby looked so tired. Or rather Vincent did.

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