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Welcome to the world of the Vincent D'Onofrio obsessed - and a bit of real life thrown in.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Relax! Didn't ANYONE notice that the pictures were from Probability and the title was a play on that? OF COURSE he IS the most beautiful man in the world! And if further proof were needed, here it is. Let's Stray into an episode where there are lots of lovely hand shots, but they still sneak in the stunt hand. Can't you spot it?


JoJo said...

OH THE DRESS BLUES!!!!! Happy Friday to you Val!!!

I looked but I failed to see a stunt thumb in this one...what did I miss?

aprilspring said...

You must have missed the ugly stunt thumb. haha. That stunt double's hand isn't as beautiful as our man's hand, so why do they continue to torture us..

SnarkAngel said...

Yeah, saw the one photo with stunt hand. But there were sooooooo many others with those unmistakable BEAUTIFUL hands . . . on that BEAUTIFUL man! Thanks, Val!

Anonymous said...

DOH! Sorry Val - had you said 'In all 'Probability'....the most beautiful man in the world' my one remaining functioning brain cell MIGHT have connected the dots. HA! And according the the USA site test, I'm 'Goren's other hemisphere' too. Oh well, maybe Bobby will just have to take me in hand - and I'll reciprocate ;0)

Eliza said...

Obviously we're all so conditioned to jumping to the defense of our man that we missed the play on words...I'll try to think before I comment in future :-)

I missed the stunt thumb too...too busy gawping at the rest of the pictures

BobbyG said...

Play on words...don't play on words. I just want to PLAY with Bobby all day...and all night!!

BobbyG said...

As Bobby would say, "Just one more thing." Yes, Val, I did notice that the photos in the previous post were from "Probability."

Claire said...

'Get a grip' looks like fake Bobby hands to me. Although I wouldn't mind if he got his grip on me! tee hee

Anonymous said...

i never forget beatiful hands as vincents!i now rigth away wich are the stunt hands!i just love when in this episode,does a lot "handthinking".and of course,there is that dress blues!!!OUCH,BLUE had never been looking HOTTER!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Probability; one of my ab fab fav epis... Vincent looks like he was having so much fun doing that one. Stray on the other hand was another ball game... wow. The shot of him sitting on the bench with his gorgeous thighs open makes me go all aquiver... mmmmmm

Anonymous said...

ok, i promise to never banter semantics again. bobby on the other "hand"? i'll defend his gorgeousness to the end.
and blue is definitely his color.

Jane said...

Ooops..Sorry Val, I should know you would Never question how beautiful Vincent is!

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